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Lena Dunham Vile and Horrible Smut from TV of the Day

I don’t watch GIRLS, based on Lena Dunham getting naked clips, I just assume I’ll hate it, and anytime anyone tells me it’s a good show, or a smart show, I have to agree that Lena Dunham is smart, she comprised her dignity and put herself out there in a cry for attention, pretending it was a feminist move, speaking to all the fat girls everywhere that they do can be naked on TV, while making less fat girls confident in their own bodies, saying “at least I am not Lena Dunham”…

But I find it offensive…disgusting…vile…inappropriate pornography that belongs on a GORE site, not on HBO…and here she is making us hate our penises for knowing some of us would fuck her while drunk, but embracing her penis like a bunch of homos at the theatre, because there’s not way girls can look like this…

All this to say, I wish she was more of a behind the scenes girl…this is so pushing the fucking envelope in all the wrong ways…it’s like hot tits are porn, but bad tits are art…fuck you world…fuck you all to hell…

Seriously, I just watched this clip again and it scares me….in a wanting to cunt off my penis and distract me with my bleeding to death sine I have no use for it now that I’ve turned asexual…

Posted in:Lena Dunham