I'll Make You Famous…




Mila Kunis Talks About Her Mangled Vagina in Marie Claire of the Day

THis is what MILA KUNIS had to say about her giving birth…

“Two people are allowed in my delivery room. My doctor and my significant other. And he is staying above the action. He’ll be head to head. Not head to vag. Unless he wants to risk his life and see. But I wouldn’t if I were him. I highly doubt he wants to see that being ripped apart and shredded. Because it will be shredded. It’s just a matter of how badly.”

And I just threw up. Mila Kunis talking about her ripped part pussy..is way too fucking graphic for my weak, sensitive soul to handle.

I don’t care what they teach you in Biology classes. Pregnancy, and passing a child through your fucking pussy is totally unnatural and something I would likely want to pretend doesn’t happen every time I have sex with a mom, but I can’t cuz her pussy is so big…

The only way you’re into a sewed up pussy after birthing, or seeing a shredded pussy right after birthing, is if you’re a fucking weirdo psychopath…

Either way, this is the worst quote ever…sometimes honesty should be ignored for promises of a C-Section…so we can focus on her hormonal milk filled tits..right?

Here are the pics from the magazine that aren’t overly pregnant…

Posted in:Mila Kunis