I'll Make You Famous…




Olivia Cooke Topless in a Movie GIF of the Day

Olivia Cooke is some 20 year old from some show called BATES HOTEL, that I assume is a bad rip off of Psycho, kind of like the Vince Vaughn remake of Psycho…a movie that should have never happened, because there was already the original for us to reference.

It’s been done, and now they are doing the TV version…to showcase the life of Norman Bates before the movie, so we know the real backstory why he Killed Jamie Lee Curtis’ mom…..Jamie Lee Curtis, a rumoured hermaphrodite…

I guess it’s really complicated to come up with a new show about a motel owner with mommy issues in the middle of no where who kills people…

Anyway, this GIF is of her tits from some movie she was in, and we like tits, at least I do…and that’s why I am posting it.

Posted in:Olivia Cooke