I'll Make You Famous…




Kourtney Kardashian Breast Pump of the Day


Kourtney Kardashian was at one point in time the hot Kardashian…before being replaced by Kendall Jenner as Kylie Jenner inspired a nation of youth to suck on bottles, to make their lips look fuller as reported earlier this week…just to prove she is that influential…amd matters…and the whole thing was probably sponsored by Pepsi…not that that matters…

What matters is that now that Kourntey is a mom Kardashian….she’s taken her ingrained, encoded, moral and values that were learned as a child, the same fame whore, attention seeking that you would assume is behind her birthing that is probably available online somewhere…and applied it to breast pumps, breast milk, breast feeding…it’s relelvant now thanks tio free the nipple, which meanit can get her some media hits…and there is something erotic about this…I just don’t know what it is…I mean can I see nipple? Or am i dreaming…

I just hope that along with her Kardashian famewhoring, she’s Kardashian monetizing and milking herself for some rich and obsessed fans with breast milk fetishes for 1,000 dollars an ounce…

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian