The only problem with Emily Ratajkowski is her face…I mean that and her shitty attitude where she assumes that she’s important because she’s got great tits that I am pretty sure are just expensive implants…because I’ve seen expensive implants and they look like this….not to mention a homie who worked at a dematologist office told me Emily Ratajkowski got her lips done there…not that her lip’s authenticity make her any more talented, interesting, capable of carrying a career..
She’s a young girl who got naked in a music video and thanks to the power of the internet…she got in a movie…and may get in a few more…because hot girls in movies don’t need talent, just ask Alba…
But all I see is a glorified Tila Tequila…who’s instagram dance is not one of her last attempts…but that should be…because we’re bored of her…
Useless and telentless never had such good tits.
Posted in:Emily Ratijkowski