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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I am part of the #metoo movement. It’s really hard for me to talk about this because as a man, a pervert man, it makes me feel like a bit of a whining bitch, but finally, I need to make it official, if I write it, it means I am facing it, and together, empowering myself and hopefully inspiring others to come out as victims also….

I came home to my wife who is larger than me – and who pays the bills – because I am a deadbeat – therefore the person in the powerposition – wearing a strap on ready to overpower – and because she is larger than – she won…

I should write a think piece for some website that gets views, or maybe make a song about it to perform at the Grammy’s like I was Kesha, only for all these empty people to attach themselves to and be inspired by…

Not because I think men in power positions should use their power to get laid by women to scared to say no or walk…because that’s what not being in the power position is about…

I don’t think men anywhere should assault women, But I’m tired of hearing about it….everywhere we look…

I mean, can’t we collectively work towards something that benefits humanity as a whole, rather than already overpaid rich assholes…

Like overthrowing the government or TAXATION or something?

I mean find a real cause to get behind…

Posted in:stepLINKS