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Sonya Tomson Promotes Smoking Naked of the Day

Sonya Tomson is some smoking advocate – cuz smoking is so cool – it’s so edgy and 90s and awesome….in an era where we all know that smoking kills, these idiots still fucking smoke, and the only sad thing about it, is that they don’t die fast enough…it’s long, it’s drawn out, it takes too long…it’d be better if their cancers were quicker forming to rid the world of their disgustingness…and she posts it throughout her feed…cuz she just smokes that hard and good…

I know perverts who have smoking fetishes, and seeing a girl smoke turns them on, they fucking stand outside offices next to the ashtrays that are ten feed from the entrance, and wait for their targets to come out for their break….

This one has double downed on the fetish work, with her nude pics while smoking, like some triple threat…what can’t this girl do…probably run a marathon….but other than that….she’s talent…

Posted in:Sonya Tomson