I'll Make You Famous…




Kayla Adams in an Instagram Shoot Like All Instagram Shoots of the Day

When you’re faced with trying to figure out how to get as many followers as possible – because you feel like a talent – and you know you are destined for greatness – but that you also know you have to put yourself out there to make enough noise…you get naked on instagram – in shoots you feel seem classy because what’s the big deal, it’s normal, it’s accepted, you can still become President and the whole being naked on the internet doesn’t ruin your life like it used to.

So people like you and me get to see tits on young girls we’d never see before in instagram style shoots like all the other instagram style shoots…but that doesn’t mean that’s a bad thing…back roads, vans, doc martins, panties and tits out…it’s a good thing…a great thing….

So Kayla Adams, whatever she’s working on being famous for…is making the right moves.

Posted in:Kayla Adams