I'll Make You Famous…




Charlotte McKee Nude of the Day

You know the Bobby McGee song, made famous by Janis Joplin, written by Kris Kristofferson, a legend…

But do you know Charlotte McGee who gets naked on the internet for her art…you know with a famous dad, so famous from being Bobby McGee…she’s been given the chance to do anything she wants and this is what she chooses…unless Bobby McGee doesn’t actually exist and doesn’t get royalties on his very important place in pop culture…oh fuck…her name is McKee not McGee…I guess that makes me an idiot…but also means she’s out there fending for herself….forced to get naked on the internet to get where she needs to go..because it is easier than actually working…and let’s be real…her family is probably rich and help her with her bills as she navigates the world of being naked on the internet pretending to be a model..when really jsut being a girl getting naked…which lucky for this McKee no McGee bitch means that opportunities, whatever they may be…will likely present themselves to her because of her half nakedness…

Posted in:Charlotte McKee