I'll Make You Famous…




Isabella Manderson is Great of the Day

I don’t know who this Isabella Manderson girl is, but I am thinking she may be from Canada…and I am from Canada, so maybe if the general public wasn’t so scared of me, I’ll get invited back to the Igloo party where all of Canada meet at Jim’s Igloo and have some beers and smoke some legal weeds and drink some Tim Hortons, before wrestling some beaver…you know the whole country comes together that one day and it’s great…and maybe Isabella Manderson will be there – unless she’s taking her too cool for everything, hipster look, in her hipster panties, showing her hipster body too the big leagues and has no time for old friends…

That said, I have no idea if Isabella Manderson is Canadian, I saw a Canada Day post on her instagram and she looks like every girl in Toronto’s Parkdale looks, all strategic quirky so I’ll buy into that storyline, making it local, Canada Pride content…an attainable dream.

Posted in:Isabella Manderson