I'll Make You Famous…




Taylor LaShae Posing with Knives of the Day

Her name is Taylor LaShae, she’s based in Paris, she’s got a lot of followers on the internet because she is hot, and she get naked in shoots, because she is hot.

I am not sure if she is Nick Lechay and Jessica Simpson’s daughter who is all grown up now or not, but I am going to assume she’s not on some 98 degrees shit, even if she’s got the vibe of a girl who would be on 98 degrees shit if he was to follow her on social media and she saw an opportunity to seduce him…because as we all know the instagram profile is the dating profile of the rich and famous…more SEX happens on instagram between hot sluts and rich dudes on instagram than on anywhere else on the internet and that is a fact…

I do think Taylor LaShae could step up her game – the kitchen apron knife shit is a little lackluster, do these people even try to be original…or are they just bare minimum gets the job done types…

Posted in:Taylor LaShae