I'll Make You Famous…




Stella Hudgens Butt Shot of the Day

Stella Hudgens is Vanessa Hudgens sister you’ve jerked off to because like me, you prefer the sister of celebrity to the celebrity, not because they are hotter than the celebrity, but because they are more insecure, feel inadequate, but have all the access the celebrity has…it is far better than dealing with a star, you know dealing with the loser that being the second string is. You know she lives well, probably gets paid a couple 100k a year in “allowance” from the celebrity fund, without having to work, and they may be bratty cunts, but what girl isn’t, only you can always throw the fact that they aren’t the celeb in the bitches face…because you know they know thye suck..

ANYWAY, nothing like the magical optical illusion that is the POOL to make a bitch look like she’s got a fake ass, and she may have a fake ass,

Posted in:Stella Hudgens