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Kat Torres Instagram Whore’s Educated and Naked Opinion of the Coronavirus of the Day

Kat Torres is clearly a low level whore from instagram that no one has ever heard of, even if she has followers, and I am not hating on her for that. The world needs whores even those I’ve never heard of.

She posted some nude pics in self-promotion, or an attempt to self promote, with some statements badly written on her “whatever” at best body….about the Coronavirus is a fraud, how you are all idiots, that it’s just a viral stunt….despite her being in her house and not out there licking toilet seats…

Kat Torres, we get it trick, anything to get some attention in a bottom feeding life these whores live….because attention is how they get paid…but when the money dries up…and the

We all know the conspiracy theorists, we all know it’s weird times, we all know that there’s a level of freedoms being taken away and that only a few people have died in the grand scheme of things, we see it is over the top, crashing the economy, but maybe there’s more to it…

We also know this bitch is a fucking ugly, low level retard, and her opinion on anything, like any influencer, but more so when they are sex workers trying to get subscribers, is worth basically zero.

Stick to the tits you 5 on 10 piece of shit.

This girl legit makes 10 dollars in legit money, all other money is through prostitution and I’m the kind of guy who saves prostitutes to degrade, not to take health and wellness tips from….you barely high school educated Brazilian trash.

Here I am giving her what she wants…

Posted in:Kat Torres