I hate the way she spells her name. Kelsea….like KEL SEA…like Sea…like Ocean…you know Kelsea…her fucking hippie surf parents can suck a dick with their bullshit names that are more stripper or sex worker since they are a made up fucking name.
I don’t know why I am mad at her name…I should be mad that at her level of fame, which is low level of fame, I have no idea who this bitch is….she should be out here demonstrating how many things she can fit in her vagina…you know the CONTENT that fucking matters in these dark times.
Instead…we gat weird ballet poses…we get it KEL SEA LIKE THE OCEAN…your last name is practically BALLERINA…and you like to pretend to be a Ballerina…by not stripping at the local strip club like most ballerina’s end up doing…because she’s a Knoxville raised Country Star who luckily had a dad who worked at the radio stations so she could avoid a PAYOLA scandal while manipulating her fame.
I don’t know why I am mad at her….probably cuz of her dumb fucking name.

Posted in:Kelsea Ballerini