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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

It may be a little history repeating itself…protesting racism but the most interesting thing of it all is that just like that, COVID is no more….I guess keeping people locked up for 3 months with access to the internet is a recipe for disaster…take their jobs, their money, their freedoms and they’re primed to jump on the first protest they can find, racist cops killing black people, a great thing to get involved in to demand systemic change.

I am an anarchist and believe in overthrowing the powers that be, but I am lazy and I don’t think you can really get anywhere, because the evil rulers will just lay down stricter laws and take more of your freedoms. It gives them an excuse to make tighter laws, but remember strength in numbers. You outnumber them.

Clearly, when raised on action films, people all crave being part of a movie, a cast member, that is why social media works, they are their very own Johnny Depp or Ryan Gosling in their choose their own adventure for their instagram account. It allows them to participate, to tell the story they want to tell about themselves. So there are obviously a lot of fair weather activists doing it for social media clout, for the selfie, and maybe a new pair of shoes and that’s ok….at least they are getting out there.

I do find it weird that we live in a world where people were considered crazy for protesting for the right to open their businesses at their own risk. In a free country, you’d think you’d be allowed that. If I want to open my restaurant or salon or rub and tug, I fucking should be allowed and if no one wants to come because of COVID, that’s business. I mean they just wanted to execute their right to live and work and to make their own grown-up decision on the whole COVID risk management, only to learn they didn’t live in a free country, it’s actually a policed state.

A policed state that THEY fund with THEIR tax dollars, something that probably should have been protested at the inception of Income Tax, because if the government launched an initiative to take up to 50% of your money today all in exchange for a bloated corrupt system and “paved roads” that are never paved that well, we’d likely choose “We’ll pave our own damn Roads” instead.

So seeing people hold the police accountable is a good thing, I don’t know if the riots are a good thing, I am a pacifist, but I mean they are a great thing for white people to feel less guilty about being white or about their own racism, showing they care but more importantly, showing their instagram fans that they care, because it’s all about the selfie….being part of something bigger than themselves…because if they don’t get the selfie how will people know they are freedom fighters…

The government and the police and the military are funded by YOU, and should work by YOUR rules, so if they are out KILLING people of any color, under any circumstance, even when being shot at, they should be held accountable…..They are supposed to be trained crisis workers, not trigger happy high school grads who took a police academy 2 year technical course to be above the law.

Not all cops are bad, but a lot of cops are power hungry and think they are above the law assholes who aren’t very appreciative of the fact that they WORK for US. We as a group are their bosses.

So hold them accountable. I’ve always hated the establishment, I always liked anarchy, but I always felt that the people can’t make actual change because the rich and evil corporations that actually run us, won’t allow that. If it’s not this system in place, it will be another one possibly run by Disney, Coca Cola or McDonalds…it’s just how capitalism works and unless you’re the 1% at the top, you’re just a pawn in the equation that doesn’t matter more than your buying power matters. If you mattered, cancer would be cured, obesity wouldn’t exist, and all food would be organic and free. There wouldn’t be class systems in place, we’d be in some sort of collaborating barter system where we don’t work UTOPIA…

So as I’m going to be self quarantining for the next 6 months to 10 years, because I can and because the quarantine was peaceful for me, and because if I leave the house I’ll end up getting some virus that will kill me, my family, the neighborhood at least that’s what I was told by the media…staring at tits.

I don’t get political, I don’t take political stances, I am not an activist, I am more a spectator into laughing at how silly pop culture is, how silly the internet is, how slutty the general population is, but I guess these protests tie into that…barely…I avoid everything I see on them…because I just don’t actually care…until the tits start getting flashed…

So the one thing I will say to you activists out there is keep it peaceful, fuck racism, fuck the average asshole cops, remind them who they work for….but most importantly FLASH THEM TITTIES!

Here are some stepLINKS –

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Josephine Skriver Hot Body in a Bikini

Cindy Mello Amazing Model in Lingerie

Riley Keough’s Naked Tanning

Elsa Hosk Amongst the Flowers in a Bra Top

Paige VanZant Tried to Drown Her Husband

Guy Reviews Scotch as Wife Packs Up and Leaves

This Dude Found an Abandoned House in the Forest

Hot Topless Model Named Delilah – Hey There Delilah

Everything in Life is Temporary

What Made the Streets Turn to Cul De Sacs

SpaceX Prototype Explodes

Road Rager of the Day

There are Cam Girls and there are FREE Cam Girls…..Free Cam Girls are Better

Posted in:stepLINKS