Lucy Boynton and Julia Schlaepfer star together in Ryan Murphy’s Netflix show called The Politician. They have a threesome and make out…this is from that.
Lucy Boynton is dating the guy who played Queen in the movie, not Adam Lambert, but the other guy’s girlfriend, who was also in that movie “We are the Champions’ or whatever song it was named after. You know because you like to watch everything that has to do with gay guys dying of aids. It’s your porn. While Julia Shlaepfer, is nothing but a stupid name.
I don’t know about you, but Ryan Murphy, TVs unsung hero responsible for everything and anything trending, even though he makes some pretty shit TV shows that just ride off his hype.
This one specifically, The Politician has two storylines involving “THROUPLES” because it’s a modern era, and I have a feeling that it is based on fact…that Ryan Murphy and his partner who is Married to Gwyneth Paltrow, Brad Felcher or some shit…all fuck each other…like the old lady (Angela from Who’s the Boss) does in the show.
Either way, it’s all nonsense, but girls kissing girls for attention while pretending to be gay – never gets old.

Posted in:Lucy Boynton