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Nurses Gone Wild of the Day

The world is a crazy place filled with angry people over the COVID….where numbers are going up in the USA, but where people are arguing those stats as fake news, because the death rate isn’t going up and because 99 percent of people who die from it are unhealthy and have a pre-existing condition and where everyone I know who had it, had a sore throat for a day or two that was far less aggressive than any virus they ever had…even herpes….

It’s a great way to control the population through FEAR MONGERING, or at least a great way to get paranoid people to think the government is trying to control the population through fear mongering…you know with TRACKING apps for your safety and all that other insanity….that distract people with fighting about masks, instead of fighting for what matters…NOT PAYING TAXES…

But the front line workers, the heroes in all this who still have jobs and still go to work and aren’t dying of covid because they are too busy posting nudes on the internet…instead of being too busy dealing with false positive tests….false data about the spread…and fighting over mandatory masks…like health care workers should since they know what is important…THE NUDES!

Here are some pics…

Posted in:NURSES