I'll Make You Famous…




Romee Strijd Pregnant Bikini of the Day

Romee Strijd was a Victoria’s Secret model, so she has the stamp of approval of a brand that girls crave the stamp of approval of because they are simple minded, victims of marketing and pop culture, that they’ll blame on the patriarchy as they post more nude pics hoping to get famous for their nude pics instead of doing something of actual merit because HUMANS in general are garbage…

Well, she’s pregnant, which is probably good timing as the brand totally collapses for funding the likes of Epstein’s human trafficking and whatever the fuck else they did that was evil…..which according to the girls trying to be a part of the brand include unrealistic body images or whatever…it’s all so dumb…

I’m just posting this because I like to drive the point home that someone came in her….what a slut….oh and that not every dude is a loser fuck like you and that some girls actually want to get knocked up by them…instead of pretend they never fucked them….something you probably can’t relate to.

Posted in:Romee Strijd