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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

So these people are out here trying to tell me what I can and can’t write on my own website, people who have your pronouns on their social media so you don’t mistake their gender, thanks for the fucking tip motherfucker, I needed affirmation that you’re a self involved asshole who thinks people give a fuck about what you want people to refer to you as….

People with pronouns are the billboard or neon sign on a person’s profile, along with their fake activism link to some bullshit cause they know nothign about, that should tip you off that anything they say is bullshit, they are just follower fucks.

Telling me to delete my shit, to just erase it, because you don’t like what I said? That’s fucking nuts. I have no idea where this group authoritarian movement started, but I know it’s bad…the lemmings all jump on some activism to take down free speech and to increase being monitored by the government…by choice…it is probably because they are still on their parent’s cellphone plans and don’t know how to work, survive and spend their days on social media finding themselves….if they were real people, with real lives, they’d be tired and busy….not bored, coddled idiots with too much time on their hands, they wouldn’t bother going nuts over a random blog post….

These are the new terrorists, telling you to delete your thoughts without knowing anything of the context of who you are, what you are saying, what your point is…just a “Fuck you delete this you phobic fuck”….that’s why I need to change my gender of my driver’s license…come at me with your bullshit, calling me a homophobe or whatever, I’ll be legally trans, a “She/Her” and that is the only way to get free reign to have free speech or original thought!

This is why I stay off twitter, it’s incessant, once they deleted me, I just said, fuck it, not doing this anymore….because people are mental…they pretend to care…

My last twitter experience was during the Academy awards when I singled Maya Rudolph out as one of the actresses in a dumb skit with Tina Fey or some shit, only because her name popped up on twitter and Tina Fey’s didn’t when I was writing the tweet, and I wasn’t in the mood to google Tina Fey’s twitter account because I don’t give a fuck, it’s a tweet, a passive fucking thought about how lame SNL is….and because I used the Oscars hashtag, I had all these people calling me racist because Maya Rudloph is half black and I singled her out, when the thought didn’t cross my mind, I don’t care what color a bitch is, she just sort of exists and if I write a about a black or a white girl it’s all fucking random circumstance, not because of anything else…anyway, because I tweeted something someone thought was racist, because they are racist, when it wasn’t even remotely a thought that cross my mind, not to mention I barely view Maya Rudloph as black and I wasn’t singling out the black woman and giving the white woman a pass, the thought didn’t cross my mind, I was just amazed how hard BOTH of them fucking sucked.

Not to mention, I just see her as Jewish and PT Anderson’s wife, who has made some shitty fucking movies since There Will Be Blood, after a really solid early career with Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love and There will be blood, but that’s not anything to do with Maya Rudolph, that’s just a sidenote but I am sure if you were to tweet that PT Anderson sucks now, twitter will decide that it is racist because he’s married to a black woman / barely black woman, her mom died when she was 7 and I assume she was raised by her dad….anyway that’s not the point…the point is… you people are the fucking problem.

What happened to making fun of people? Or laughing at people, instead of being overly accommodating and attacking those who make fun of people….while alienating the people being made fun of….

It’s crazy times, people need to find FUN again….now fuck off.

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