As you know, nurses are sluts, but this isn’t to single out the sex workers of the health care industry, because for the most part, most women are sluts, at least if it benefits them, and there’s nothing wrong with that…it’s the only reason men should go on living, even though I heard that men will be extinct in the next 4.5 billion years…maybe it was million years…either way…they are on the decline…so in our final years as a gender…we should be allowed to celebrate the sluttiness of these people through staring at their nudes…and luckily we can because they post their nudes online of us to stare at….because despite all the angry people out there hating on men with their MeToo Movement, there’s a ton of girls who realize getting naked can make them the money they always wanted….for the most part most nurses only got into nursing because it didn’t require much training and gave access to doctors on a relatively intimate level where they spend hours together so that if they play it out right…they can end up living that doctor life…without all the effort of doing it themselves…awesome…
The funniest thing about this slutty nurses post is that I got a takedown notice from a slutty nurse who posts her slutty nurse content on the internet…but gets mad when I repost it…and she asked me to pay her 100 dollars for posting her slutty pic she put on the internet…because guess what…sluts can be whores too you know…it just takes a paypal…
I don’t get why nurses feel sexy at work amongst the germs..shouldn’t they be working or saving lives like the heroes they are…..but maybe they just like that they are a fetish…who fucking cares…here are the slutty nurses..on Labor Day that aren’t heroes but that people like to say are heroes as they sit at home watching netflix..
Posted in:NURSES