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The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Over the years I’ve been called a misogynist even before I knew what the word meant and I was like “cool”….because people think celebrating women for being hot or calling them sluts for reducing them to nude pics because I expect more out of them because a lot of these women have fan bases..that are easily manipulated idiots and follow their lead…and it’s not because I don’t like all the nudes, I love this shit, but thanks to those early influencers and actors getting naked, we’re swimming in nude pics now…impossible to even keep up…and nudes are life…or some shit…

“The Ratio” has also been called misogynist. It’s some women who don’t have the right hip to waist ratio fighting science….because The Ratio is a scientifically proven phenom….dudes are drawn to big hips and smaller waists…and it applies to everyone with bigger hips and smaller waists…so fat ass women so long as they have a waist make the cut….but yeah, these feminists mad at “the ratio” despite it being science are the same feminists mad at trump for not listening to the science…you know just a bunch of crazy that really comes down to jealousy you bitches with the wrong ratio be hating….while these girls with ratio are uploading their nudes like nature intended…

Posted in:The Ratio