Sometimes I think to myself “what if I went corporate” back when I first started the site in 2004, you know before the internet was the booming thing, when I had a bunch of useless people visiting the site because there was nothing else to do on the internet…I would have probably got hired at the time since no smart people worked in “internet”….I would be a captain of industry running all the hottest internet businesses around, you know since the smart people weren’t on the internet at the time, would I be rich, or would I be fired for fucking the staff, forfeiting all my corporate bonuses, since corporate people get paid…..I mean it would have been a huge damper on my alcoholism, sleeping in, sitting around doing nothing all day….but I’d probably be an asshole with a TESLA…
Then I look at the site and think, for a site that’s been updated daily all these years, no one actually gives a fuck about it…imagine if 1,000,000 people checked in to see what antics I am up to…despite being a very boring person….would that be the dream…but then I remember being invisible, obscure, confusing, insignificant is actually the ultimate troll on myself but more importantly, the only place I want to be….
So as I turn to the internet to see that girls are posting more and more nudes, daily, just so many girls getting naked, something I am passionate about documenting…I am going down that slippery slope of “is it porn if the barista at starbucks is just flashing tits”….I’m like Alex Jones and this is my Conspiracy Fight for the Truth….only with tits…tits posted by girls just wanting to have their tits seen…it’s noble work, important work, work that people don’t seem to care about, they write me off as porn…not like some innovative Simon Cowell doing American Idols auditions everyday with the nudes…so maybe this makes me a pornographer, I see it as a resposter of chicks, and reposter isn’t even a word…
So here are hot tits being flashed and I like em.
Posted in:Titty Drop