I am a tiny tit advocate…
I am a tiny tit supporter…
I am willing to wear the Tiny Tit empowering t-shirt, even if my tits are bigger than most of these tiny tits…it’s an eating disorder, an alcoholism, it’s a disease and just laziness motherfuckers…because I believe in the power of the tiny tit…
I find them streamlined, I find them hot, I find they come stock on hotter, tighter, fitter bodies….
I am not a betting man, but if I was the odds are most tiny tit bodies are going to be a better overall package…where big tits on a tight body are rare…
So support the TINY TITS, protest the TINY TIT SLAUGHTER that is breast augmentation from implants or fat injections…because TINY TITTY LIVES MATTER.
Posted in:TINY TITS