I'll Make You Famous…




Charlotte Lawrence Flasher of the Day

Charlotte Lawrence is a celebrity rich kid, her mom is from the Drew Carrey show and SCRUBS, while her dad was the creator or producer of SCRUBS, basically rich and connected fuckers, so naturally their daughter would grow up to be a vapid and useless instagram girl posting half naked content like ALL the other girls while pretending to be a talent of her own, when really she’s jut got access..

I don’t hate on anyone for using the access they have to have a purpose in life, if your dad’s a butcher and has a butcher shop, you’re an idiot to not go work at said butcher shop…same applies to farmers, etc, just build on whatever is there. I am a big supporter of nepotism and HATE that I never got any of that because life would have been FAR easier to navigate…

I just hate when these people with access are lazy and their purpose in life is idiotic like faking being a pop star now that you don’t need to know how to sing to be a singing on a song….it’s all computer shit…but it’s also vapid and uselessness…it’s like do something that matters…but instead these idiots just want to dance around like full retards at the fucking puppet show, or wherever retards dance….

This is her showing off some shitty BONES BRIGADE looking tattoo like she’s an 1980s skater. with a hard on for Powell Peralta….really important things…it’s like do something that matters…like starting a blog that takes photos of these people and talk shit…you know REAL important shit…I realize it is useless, but I also realize that I am not rewarded for this shit, so it all works out in the end…you see doing unimportant shit knowing you are unimportant is different.


Posted in:charlotte lawrence