I'll Make You Famous…




Lily Collins Lace Dress of the Day

Lily Collins Lace

The highlight of Lily Collins is probably watching her dad try to get his ex wife out of one of his 40 million dollar Florida mansions, because his wife is a fucking trashbag, you’d think Phil Collins, the lord of the 80s love song would have better options when it comes to pussy. I mean his celebrity was enough for his daughter to exist or have a stab at a legit acting career, because despite being skinny and hot, I am sure without Phil Collins being her dad, she’d be working as a cam girl…a very fucking boring cam girl….because she just happens to be pretty fucking boring in the grand scheme of things….despite being skinny and hot…

As an activist for the de-fat-ification of America, you know the kind of guy who encourages girls not not eat for days at a time, who celebrates eating disorders and refuses to allow the media to convince me it is a mental issue, yes, I know Karen Carpenter died of Anorexia, but that’s the price to be skinny…

So yeah, I like Lily Collins because she’s a skinny girl, which is a dying art, as skinny girls are more into eating and getting fat now since it’s socially accepted and they’ve realized dudes will fuck anything, and being fat is actually an asset for when you try to get modelling jobs or really any job, because you can spin the FAT SHAMING angle, rather than just being shamed for being fat by your damn self as you suck the icing off your dozen donuts….you fat fuck…

Lily Collins Lace


Posted in:Lily Collins