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Medical Worker Monday of the Day

I know the media is pushing this whole COVID thing on us. It’s all over the news all day and I guess it must be an important thing since bars and restaurants are closed here, there are curfews in California, protests and celebrations maskless are fine, but don’t got to Granny’s for Thanksgiving, don’t even go to your parent’s for thanksgiving, basically cut ties with your family, your computer is your only friend now…don’t go to stores…the internet is the only way to shop….CASH will be replaced with credit cards….now you are officially one step away from being a computer they can just turn on and tap into…nothing good will come from all this….

But yeah, I know the media pushes out that agenda of “WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE”….which could be why all the nurses get naked on the internet daily, a WHO GIVES A FUCK WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE….some frontline worker shit…or maybe they just aren’t that busy and realize their sex worker dreams can come true if they take pics of themselves half naked at work…you make that extra cash now that they can’t fire you since it’s a pandemic….

I think it’s irresponsible nursing, keep the VIRUSES at work,not in your cunt…but I guess I’m glad these who have been celebrated after years of people being thankless….are finding new ways to be appreciated..you know, bed side manner shit for the masturbators.

Posted in:NURSES