I'll Make You Famous…




Weight Watchers on the Weekend Sunday of the Day

I typically have good intentions with these weekend fetish posts of girls uploading content of themselves in various states of NSFW for whatever reason, whether it is to recruit fans, get followers and monetize, or to add some spice to her fucking life by knowing dudes jack off to her. You know that thrill of being naked on the internet….that rush of dopamine or whatever brain chemistry gets triggered when they click “publish”….so I waste my time compiling all this shit…..

Then I get drunk on Friday, through Sunday and the idea of turning on a computer triggers me like all these “trauma” ridden millennials with their whining…about trauma and trigger warnings and all these other pussy-bitch-made-shit…

Because, I’ve spent too many years typing on a damn computer and I need my weekends for myself to be a degenerate in the comfort of my home off screen..

So I was planning on posting this yesterday, but I didn’t, because I am an unreliable fuck, but I figure no one was eagerly waiting for fat girls on Sunday….even if some of you have a fat girl fetish…and think fat girls are people too…I am from the school of thought that they aren’t…but they offer great comedic inspo and that’s what it’s about…the laughs….

So here’s some fatties.

Posted in:Fatty