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Workout Wednesday of the Day

Now is the time to focus on our health – you know with bullshit money grabbing vaccines that they don’t know will actually work but see a great opportunity to make a lot of money….you know in a pandemics that has no one laying dead in the streets like in the movies, but rather cancelling Christmas because we aren’t old enough to decide who we should risk getting sick to see….then there’s the whole inconsistency in lockdowns…where big box retailers make all this money….since there’s no food shortages….just toilet paper shortages because of panic shoppers….to basically 99.9 percent of people who get the VIRUS surviving, but us knowing everyone under 75 who died of it to help push the fear….not to say I’d survive COVID, but to say most people do…and with Amazon Stock and all the world billionaires getting richer than they’ve ever been, while mom and pop shops are closed for business because the government has us by the balls….it’s a lot of inconsistencies and idiotic…or at least irrational…I’m not an expert, scientist, I can barely write and I am unemployed….I just know it doesn’t seem right and it’s too bad people just idle at home because they fucking love the down time and the built in excuse to not do basically anything…so they go with it…think of all the people who once had to go to an office, now working in bed until the 1 hour they spend on Zoom where they “actually work”….it’s all so silly…and probably more to do with money, hospitals running inefficiently, etc than saving lives…but who fucking cares…

That point of this post wasn’t to be COVID hoaxer person, it was to say, it’s a time to focus on our health, since we’re all one maskless encounter away from death, and fitness is a very important thing to be into for health….so if you’re like me and prefer fitness as a spectator…here’s a bunch of women and their workouts gone wild….even though there’s not nearly enough girls being sluts in gyms, but gyms are closed in a lot of places…so the post workout pics are more popular…and any excuse for a fit bitch to get naked or any excuse for a girl showing off her gains by getting naked… even if she’s still got a ways to go….is a good one…

Posted in:Workout