Alexandra Daddario, who hast the big tits you all fell for in True Detective, when her name officially got put on the map, because she’s in her 30s and has been doing the acting things, thanks to having rich and connected parents who funded her move to LA to follow her shitty dreams…
She’s been in nothing of substance, she actually sucks at acting, but big tits have a way of getting girls thinking they are more important than they are. Just ask EmRata..or RAT COW as I’ve named her and seen other sites refer to her because I got influence….I’m an influencer…
I don’t know what this is for, youtube apparently, I mean all these whores need social media to stay relevant and keep getting those jobs, why would anyone cast and pay a bitch 1,000,000 dollars or more for a movie if she doesn’t have millions of followers to promote said movie to….so social media is now life…even though I hate it…
I just know that there’s a potential nip slip, which is nice, because if you’re only known for your tits, you best be showcasing those tits at all times for fear people will forget you have tits and thus forget about you…so don’t let us forget rich kid with a dream…if anything the tits are the only reason you exist…so keep it up girl..

Posted in:Alexandra Daddario