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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I find it far more interesting to think about the good things that could happen after all this, rather than the bad.

I am not an optimistic person, if anything I am a jaded cynic who talks shit all day, and for the most part, I have no real hope for humanity, I just never really died though.

People have always been self involved, half idiots, who can’t be bothered with actual things beyond their own self…

So their logic, their tastes, the trends they bought into, the things they wanted, the reason they were married or had kids, all that shit…was never their own decisions…they were doing what they were told…

With the internet, which in the 90s was this free for all insane place where you could get away with the best fucking trolls, the mainstream slowly filled the “chat rooms” and with that came their idiotic self involved and conditioned minds…

So instead of being a place where smart people could create a “Body” that is greater than the ruling class….it just created a mob mentality to lynch those who are against the ideas of the ruling class…there is a ruling class and it is the ultra rich, those richer than the government, who make the government work for them, because they can SUE the government….

I know the conspiracy shit gets blacklisted for being fake news or whatever, but I like to think of it as all too convenient…I know we are in a world that believed Justin Bieber ate a burrito the wrong way…and all the media ran with it…when it wasn’t even Bieber…so they can trick you easily…plant stories, people, etc, to give this higher level illusion that shit is out of control and crazy or that the country is divided…when the majority of people don’t give a fuck…despite the attempts they make to rook you into a side…

HOWEVER, it’s hard to think conspiracies aren’t planted when some people get CANCELLED or fired for going on vacation over the holidays, for sending unsolicited dick pics, for marrying Amber Heard, for jerking off on the phone with girls who knew you were jerking off, for fucking a bunch of low level fame whores trying to use you, for black face, old gay jokes on twitter archive, etc…

But then there’s the people who are demons, like ELLEN, CHRISSY TEIGEN who made sex with kid jokes, Ryan Seacrest who is a debaucherous leprochaun who fucks all the nasty sugar babies in LA up the ass after feeding them drugs (sue me, I’ve got the records from the girls who told me these stories), to Fallon who did Black Face, to Ashton Kutcher who did brown face…there’s just a group that can’t be cancelled…even if they flew on EPSTEIN’s jet…

So, if you hire someone you already hired and expect different results…you’re an idiot…and if you allow them to take your constitutional rights designed to protect you and keep you free…or in Canada they have a civil liberties act…yet instead of bring outraged, business owners aren’t merging and meeting and figuring out how to open again…they are sitting, taking government money, enjoying the time off….and in my part of Canada you an’t go to a store after 7:30 because of a curfew an we just accept it…when only 200 people are in the ICU…90 percent over the age of 85…..you gotta wonder…what’s next…

Income tax was temporary, but since 1917 they tax has increased by 290 percent or maybe 290 times…I don’t know the number, I am not a journalist…but taxes keep going up…and so will them taking your freedoms…

SO….all this to say, as the mindless idiots being distracted by free money, freedom from not having to go to an office and still getting paid, streaming apps….I am not getting to grab stripper tit…and it’s making me wonder when the uprising of the people will start, not that I’d join, but as a spectator, it’s definitely needed…but the masses all agree with the Government, the ruling class and DEFEND what they are doing as they tell you what you can and can’t do…

I know, probably a Canada specific thing, BUT it’s crazy regardless!

So I find it far more interesting to think about the good things that could happen after all this, rather than the bad.

But with all the idiots of the internet, I don’t know if there is any good!

Here are some stepLINKS…in the morning at 1 pm cuz I sleep in…cuz I can…

TikTok Star Addison Rae in a Bikini

Instagram Golfer in a Bikini

Lesia Posing!

Christina Ricci Gets Restraining Order Against Abusive Husband

27 Year Old Man Who Hasn’t Gone Through Puberty

Dogs Fighting Through the Fence

Dog Gets a Ride on a Mechanical Horse

Norway on Drone

GTA Stunts and Wins

Mayweather is Engaged to a Stripper

Cam Sluts Bring the Pussy

Posted in:stepLINKS