I'll Make You Famous…




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

With the internet being a whole pile of bullshit…as all these clout chasing aspiring instagram girls are trying to be their hottest…when the majority of these girls trying to be the hot on instagram girls aren’t even the hot girls…actual hot girls are usually less insecure than that and are busy living their hot lives that they don’t need to spend their days trying to game the fucking system in the most obvious ways….all these motherfuckers trying to get their muppet faces out there…all thanks to the Kardashians leading this ugly girl trend…

SO these ratios may not be AUTHENTIC ratios, as every one of these ugly girls trying to be hot girls spend hours photoshopping themselves, or their AVATAR they pass off as themselves, since their fake internet life offsets their shitty real life….and they hope their fake internet life becomes their real life…like a cinderella story…of “life could be so simple, if the internet treatment trickles down into real life, because you can fake it til you make it”….

But they are still ratios and a waistline is a scientifically proven sign of attractiveness, that all those square bitches don’t get to partake in….so let’s look at some RATIOS…whether they are real or not doesn’t matter…they happened….and the nice thing about ratio is that you can get a whole mix of body types that have ratio…skinny bitches with ratio…fat bitches with ratio…it keeps things interesting…just NO SQUARE BOXY BITCHES allowed….those trans fucks.

Posted in:The Ratio