I'll Make You Famous…




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I may not be the object of health and wellness and I am sure the only cardio I am bringing people is to the one nerdy fuck who jerks off to celebrity content….sick weird creep….

I may bring some other cardio to the 1 girl who lands here looking at her favorite celebrity thinspiration, you know encourage those eating disorders and unrealistic body images that the mainstream media perpetuates…REMEMBER…the girls on instagram who are fit and skinny showing off are producing that content themselves so blaming the patriarchy is some typical millennial bullshit…victims and whiners who have designed something called VICTIM BLAMING so you can’t even call them out on their shit…or you’re an asshole. Hilarious….like how they named Black Lives Matter the way they did so you can’t say you don’t like Black Lives Matter as an organization because you think it’s a political scam that doesn’t care about black people…because people are retards and will be like “YOU DONT LIKE BLACK LIVES’….no motherfucker…I don’t like billionaires using black folk as pawns…

So blame the man…for the unrealistic body images..DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY….misogyny….

So yeah, I may not be a fitness site, but I am all for fit girls doing fitness…but I’m more into fit girls who do fitness being naked…so here’s some fitness.

Posted in:Workout