I'll Make You Famous…




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Anyone who has fucked a girl with waist and a hip from behind will know that it feels like you’re fucking an actual woman….because nothing is more womanly than a set of hips and the best way to see the hips is if the bitch has a waist…

Clearly, it’s a trend to have that waist-to-hip ratio because the sluts of instagram know that on a psychological, deep rooted, genetic level, they know that is what men find hot at their core. So they can whine about sexualization, the patriarchy, misogyny and all that other catch phrase activism you know they don’t fucking care about, because they are out there getting their back fat sucked out, ribs removed for Armie Hammer, ass injections and other insanity all the have that waistline….they also jack their underwear or bikinis up to their fucking neck, to give some optical illusion of a ratio because when it comes to hotness it all comes down to RATIO..

Sure, some men are attracted to square women because they are closet cases, or because it’s all they could get at the wife giveaway or mail order catalog….and some men are attracted to any bitch that gives them attention, no matter how fat and sloppy she is…so the girls with no ratio don’t need to kill themselves off…they just need to know they aren’t as hot as girls with RATIO…so they should probably stop trying…

Believe Science, Trust Science, Etc…..when it comes to the Ratio…I do…

Posted in:The Ratio