I'll Make You Famous…




Frog Butt Friday of the Day

If you leave women to their own devices, they figure out things like Frog Butts….and that’s not to say that women aren’t smart, capable, interesting, or fun….I am a firm believer that being friends with women is a far more fulfilling experience than being friends with some fucking loser bros who smell like they jerk off too much and have nothing interesting to say besides “check out her tits”….I am anti man friends….because men are losers….

But it’s to say that if you give a bitch a camera, it’s like teaching a man to fish, she’ll figure out how to make even the grossest of asses look worthy of a fuck….and she’ll use that to her opportunistic advantage….in the seduction of men…at least enough to get them to pull out their credit cards…because men are losers…

Frog Butt is one of those poses, or angles, that girls do to get their ass primed and ready to get losers to pay into whatever they are doing….it’s a little on their knees, forcing the back to arch and it looks good to me…keep up the innovative work…EVOLUTION OF A SPECIES…

Posted in:Frog Butt