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Workout Wednesday of the Day

Today has been a day filled with fat hate…in part because I’ve always hated my fat wife’s body, but more importantly her smell, but also the fact that I have to help her wipe her ass, or get off the couch as I keep feeding her and feeding her at her request in hopes it kills her fat ass off as it is supposed to…but it takes too damn long this dying of obesity thing…

I am also fat and have been fat shamed by basically everyone and I agree with their stance, being fat is failure, laziness, lack of discipline and disgusting…even if you’re genetically predisposed to it, you can be LESS fat…you victim fucks….

SO I can relate to those feeling shame about being fat, I hear you, but think you’re disgusting for not working out….which is why I like to post these girls who are self-proclaimed fit girls…some working out…some not working out….all doing the right thing to inspire you to at least look at hot fit chicks, to get you off from the fat chicks they are feeding us as normal…

I have been a member of the gym in the past, I never worked out, but the girls were fucking hot to watch work out…because fitness is hot…even if its not for you…or the fat wife in your life…so enjoy.

Posted in:Workout