I'll Make You Famous…




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

This is not some Q.Anon conspiracy shit, but I did watch the documentary on HBO about Q.Anon, where they chose to interview the people you’d expect them to interview to make that movement seem as hokey as it is, in efforts to discount the other conspiracy theories that may actually be truth…

But Bill Gates…..

I saw that he invested 3.5 billion dollars into COVID in some meme I didn’t fact check, but that I am sure Facebook and Twitter would flag as “Fake News” because this pandemic needs anything related to the pandemic that doesn’t push the storyline to be flagged fake news….like if masks work, why social distancing, if social distancing works, why lockdowns….if math works why does COVID have a 99.88 percent survival rate, because you need to factor in the whole population against the deaths from “COVID” that may not be deaths from COVID…..if the masks, social distancing and lockdowns work, then why the rushed vaccines that will ONLY complete their HUMAN trial in 2023, which in the event you didn’t realize is in 2 years, as everyone’s lining up for their Vaccine like it’s Coachella, because the government is enforcing vaccine passports…..with an experimental vaccine for a virus with a 99.88 percent survival rate….seems crazy…..but at least the local government is running an ad campaign to remind everyone how bad it is and journalists are writing triggering fear mongering articles about how bad shit is…with “increases in hospitalizations of 67%” in parts of Canada, which means 920 people are in hospital out of 14 million people….SCARY STUFF…

Anyway, Bill Gates the hero…from my memory was never never seen as a good guy, whether he is launching his philanthropic missions or not, he was always a piece of shit who just fell out of the mainstream conversation when Apple took over and everyone forgot about hotmail and MSN messenger for the tit pics…..everything was about Steve Jobs, iPhones and Google….then ZUCK came in….in part thanks to Bill Gates because I am pretty sure he was a Facebook investor….but yeah….charity or not, he was never seen as someone for the people. He was just a fucking software vendor trying to run a monopoly…

So conspiracies aside, I would suggest you don’t listen to ANYTHING Bill Gates has to say….he made an operating system in the 80s….that doesn’t make him GOD….

Also, this is not some anti-vaccine conspiracy, I don’t think you can even call the vaccine a vaccine legally because it is immune or gene therapy, I don’t care if everyone gets it, I just anticipate everyone regretting getting it in 5-10 years when they die from it…but do what’s right for you…

However, to assume the people who are willing to roll the dice, who don’t want some experimental shit in them, who don’t believe COVID is that big of a deal, or who don’t care that it is that big of a deal because we’re all going to die somehow…..are just some redneck, uneducated, retards….is pretty offensive…because some people believe in health and wellness outside of the medical realm…where Doctors are just puppets trained by big pharma to over prescribe….with their superiority complexes and lack of real knowledge of health and wellness…they’re in it for the paycheck, because they had the marks in school or the financial backing to make it happen, and now make up an elite group of other assholes with God Complexes…just designed to push poison on us….

What I am saying is….the vaccine makes no sense and seeing people scrambling for the vaccine makes even less sense….but I guess you’ll have no choice soon enough when the vaccine passport is mandatory for everyone…so maybe now’s a good time to start licking door handles to get those Anti-Bodies…which I’d assume are safer than injecting poison…not to mention if people are so into getting injected with random shit…why are they so against heroin addicts who do that daily….at least with heroin you feel euphoric….it’s the whole smoking cigs vs smoking weed….where you should use you SMOKE properly and not waste it on cigs that do nothing when you can waste it on weed that gets you high…..

Stay High motherfuckers….and I still hate hippies, just not as much as I hate the mainstream thinkers who are all half retard puppets I want nothing to do with..

Keep eating that fast food, nutrient void foods they push on you, that’ll HELP your overall health you fat disgusting fuck…

Here are some morning stepLINKS….

Johnny Manziel Said He Used to Think the Harder He Partied the Better He Played

Iggy Azalea’s Self Timer Selfies…

Stacy Cruz, Hot Naked in an Artsy Nude Shoot


Draya Michele Turns Heads in See Through Yellow Dress

Brooke Shields Recovers from Surgery

Frank Grillo Jacked at 55!

Dude Rides his Motorcycle with his Dead Wife

Best Bowling Trick

People Of Ivory Coast Get Their First Taste Of Chocolate!

Grill Master

Prank of the Year..

Last Week’s Best Video Ever – The Bear in the Hot Tub

Cam Sluts Bring the Pussy and It’s always a Good Time!

Posted in:stepLINKS