Just when you thought Travis Barker couldn’t get any lamer….he goes and sells his soul to the devil that is the Kardashians….you know all their men end up cutting their dicks off or losing their minds….like Bruce and Kanye,…
Here she is giving her best rendition Kim K’s sex tape….only they use fingers now cock…keeping it as classy as rich fucks do….
I’d imagine this would be worse than the plane crash that killed DJ AM….or at least got him back on the crack that killed him…at least that bad for us….
You know, you get a new lease on life and you choose an old mom Kardashian when I am sure there are ample Blink 182 fans eager for barker dick that aren’t the spawn of the devil herself…
Either way, gross people, doing gross things…

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian