I'll Make You Famous…




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Girls may photoshop their ratio because they know a solid waist to hip ratio is important in their quest to be hot…otherwise there wouldn’t be lipo and rib removal and photoshop available for these people that obviously didn’t get enough attention growing up, or maybe they go too much attention growing up, I don’t fucking know, I am not a psychologist, I am an idiot….but this narcissism shit is out of control…as someone who hates himself, and not in a emo teen way, but in a I know what I have to offer and it’s not that great way, I don’t actually actively hate myself or care…but I sure as fuck am not looking in mirrors or selfie cams like a fucking asshole….and when I see DUDES who do…I think…what a faggot.


Multiple independent studies have confirmed what we already know and that is that men think a waistline and wider hips is hotter than whatever the opposite of that is…and that’s good enough stats for me…because I agree with those studies based on my erection or lack of erection I get when looking at my wife’s little ass buried under a huge fucking gut that’s so huge it’s made it’s way to her back….

I don’t believe in what the media presents as science, when it’s not actual science, but rather studies paid for by biased people who are searching for a specific outcome…but I do trust it when it has to do with something no one would be trying to RIG except maybe a Kardashian or an as lame as a Kardashian…sitting there faking your fucking look while pretending to be authentic when you aren’t anything but trying to suck dick to get ahead like everyone else on social media doing the “LOOK AT ME, I AM OVER HERE” hustle…idiots the lot of ya….

Posted in:The Ratio