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The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

There’s a whole trust science debate going on, since science can be manipulated in ways that support the people paying for the research….then there’s the whole science on how to deal with things like pandemics being sold to us by the same people who paid to get the virus created in a lab….I mean…the science is subjective and now that science has proven itself to be a giant fucking farce….not that that’s anything new…I mean they replaced fat with sugar to create diabetic, they pushed cigarettes and so many other cancer causing products they said were ok for us…just a fucking pile of bullshit…

BUT I trust the science that says that a waist to hip ratio of a certain size triggers a sexual response in the men looking at the waist to hip ratio…making them want to impregnate them…assuming their testosterone isn’t depleted from other science approved things put into their food, water and air…you know the frogs are turning gay so I wonder what that does to people…

ANYWAY….I think a woman with a womanly shape speaks to our animalistic want to breed that they are trying to tell us we don’t have in their “don’t sexualize us even when we’re walking around with visible butt plugs in”….but sexualize us on OnlyFans…..

ANYWAY…here’s a bunch of girls showing off their ratio…or lack of it…and they are hotter than fat belly, square bodied, barrel looking women…it’s science.

Posted in:The Ratio