I'll Make You Famous…




Romee Strijd Takes Her Pants Off of the Day

Romee Strijd is the hot Victoria’s Secret model you assumed was just filler because she was just sort of there and never really marketed too aggressively as anything but being a filler Victoria’s Secret model…the kind who is just happy to be included because she probably never expected to be Human Trafficked by the same people who funded Epstein, no not BILL GATES, silly.

She’s managed to launch some YOUTUBE channel that for some reason YOUTUBE always tries to make me watch, where she VLOGS about bullshit like being a new mom…which for the record is the last thing I care about when it comes to a lingerie model….seriously…like keep your blown out pussy and the need to do mom shit out of the half naked pics PLEASE….they never do…

This is her saying “Look my mom body”…which is better than most mom bodies, because like Jessica Simpson and James Cordon with their Million Dollar Weight Watchers deals….girl’s gotta maintain to get paid…proving that if you have the will, the motivation, all these sloppy moms out there don’t need to be sloppy, they do it ON PURPOSE…out of laziness and an addiction to eating bad foods during pregnancy cuz that’s how people are…but when forced to can actually be hot enough again….

The highlight of this photo series is the top is the “casual just being me” pic…the bottom is “I’m a fucking model pic”…and clearly her as a model is pretty fucking good…


Posted in:Romee Strijid