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Workout Wednesday of the Day

I know with all the Body Positive, FAT LIVES MATTER, bullshit propaganda designed to make fat people who you know hate themselves buy products that were traditionally for skinny people, because the market is now 50% fat people thanks to shitty diet and exercise habbits…those cakes tastes so good and sitting feels awesome in front of a screen…when actual exercise is hard, takes effort, and really has no actual purpose now that FAT LIVES MATTER….

It’s clearly another religious chapter in the WOKE cult that is based on lies not science, since we also know that fat people have more chronic illness and premature death than healthy people…and then they ever found out during COVID that something like 90 percent of the deaths were fat people, old people, sick people…shocking to no one but fat people who are in denial about being fat because we’re a society of babies who can’t look in the mirror, or at their XXL tag in their pants and think maybe they’re fucking disgusting lazy slobs who ultimately don’t care about themselves…

I used to get called an asshole when the site still existed…for calling fat girls fat…what a bad person pointing out the obvious…that no one else is pointing out..cuz they are nice, decent, inclusive people who clearly don’t like helping people live better lives….ask anyone who has lost 100 pounds if they miss being fat…none will say they do….because fat is just a product of lifestyle, maybe some mental issues or blocks, that you should WORK THROUGH if you want a better life..

Now I am a fat person with a fat wife, so I can call other fat people fat from experience, it’s the whole reclaiming the word FAT and fighting for the rights of the fat fucks out there….and in doing that…I like to watch girls who do fitness, or who claim to be fit from fitness, in their nude fit body content, cuz it’s positive, it’s uplifting, the endorphins exciting…and whether you’re fat like me or into fitness, the best thing about excerise is the bitches who do it on the regular to not end up fat like you….and those are the real heroes and motivators…maybe it’ll inspire you to hit the track where the hot fit girls in slutty fitness clothing in your neiborhood congregate…maybe taking on fitness will get you healthier, happier and fucked….or if you’ve given up like me, at least it’s better than looking at fat chicks trying to convince you that fat is beautiful….when fat is the easiest thing a person can accomplish…and it’s hardly an accomplishment….

Posted in:Workout