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Lena Dunham Ass to Ass of the Day

Lena Dunham Ass

You have to ask Zuck the Cuck Virgin what the fuck is going on with this content that for some reason is allowed on Instagram despite looking like the casting couch of the worst porn ever…like if I was to make a porno with my 40 dollars in my life savings account, and I put out a casting call to the world, I’d likely end up with garbage fat girls like this just into being sexualized on camera like a hot girl…this would be my amateur porn that is too much amateur for it to be porn…like a little too fucking real…

But because it’s the monster pig that is Lena Dunham, it’s totally cool, she’s just normalizing naked fat girls who may or may not fuck, because she’s so edgy…just look at her rich kid that scammed HBO as being the voice of the generation prison tattoos…

I thought Lena Dunham was dead, you know since she’s got every virus and disease ever, and looks like she’s going to die from obesity related diseases as she pretends to empower fat girls to love their bodies, when really she’s just fetishizing being a lazy pig who doesn’t take care of herself…

It’s not empowering for a fat girl to get naked on camera, it’s just fucking gross and fat girls can get naked on camera, they do…people like the fat girl porn, they like the idea of the smother, they don’t care if they die since their dignity died while fucking the fat girl…and as someone who wipes the ass of my fat wife when she can’t reach, which is often…her smell, her quality of life, going down on her and tasting bacon but not the good kind of bacon..just salty fucking grease…makes me hate everything going on here…even more because it’s not flagged as inappropriate because they are selective…you know we lost our stepGIRLS IG account for posting a babe working out…in fitness gear..yet this shit is celebrated because it speaks to their agenda of being so WOKE and INCLUSIVITY that it’s not inclusive at all, it’s just fucking with our minds and grossing us out….

The sad thing in all this is that at least one person has jerked off to this pic…it wasn’t me this time.


Posted in:Lena Dunham