What I’ve learned the last year is that a lot of unhealthy people pretend to be health obsessed as they fear catching a made in CHINA virus, despite loving everything ever made in china that graces the walks of their shitty suburban lives….
But none of these whiners who are scared of covid are into getting to the bottom of the problem, instead they just like to try to police the healthy people from being able to continue going to the gym to speak to some LAZY lie they’ve decided to believe, because it’s easier..
This is nothing new, I mean fat people have been pre-diabetic for generations and none say “maybe I’ll stop eating the cake”…instead they just wait to get full diabetic until they are “GIVING THEMSELVES A JAB” every fucking day or multiple times a day until their foot falls off….thanks to some gangrenous sore reminiscent of Weinstein’s mutated diabetic herpes dick…
Point being….WORKING out is critical to a healthy mind, body soul, and quality of life…but since I am lazy and fat and not some health guru, but rather someone who accepts my fate of dying from cormodial obesity related illness….unlike all these other mask-tard-wearing-assholes you see….because you can’t cry “HEALTH” while looking like you only eat hot dogs and baked goods…but yet they all do…if you’re fat, like me, just deal with dying prematurely and look at girls working out or girls who workout showing off their fitness cuz you can’t….it’s the thing to do.
Posted in:Workout