I may not be a jock, I may not be a bro, I may not be a Gym-Beau (JIMBO), and I may be the object of unhealty, near death, obesity, disgustigness you’d expect from a drinker who hasn’t taken care of myself and eating dog shit food for decades…..
But I know how important working out is….
That’s not to say that I workout, but when fat people try to pretend they are healthy, I roll my eyes, cuz I know they aren’t….they are fat, they are disgusting, they shouldn’t be allowed to pretend they are healthy, it’s propaganda and it’s bad for the kids to think that being fat is normal and ok…it’s not….it kills…it’s facts….
Even this whole covid thing came down to “it fucks fat people up more than non-fat people”…obviously…and instead of addressing the cause, they scream EQUALITY and down with WHITE MAN and his racism….have a donut, burger and lottery entry for your vaccine because we want you healthy bullshit…
Healthy comes from moving, lifting, cardio…get fucking strong if you can, if there is an apocalypse it will help your survival….if horror movies taught you anything, the slow, clunky fat fucks are the first to go….
Anyway, if you’re like me and fine with dying a fat life, into being exhausted all the time, fighting off chronic pain and illness from life choices…the least you can do is stare at fitness chicks to NORMALIZE THAT.
We are forced to stare at FATTIES all day in a “Don’t body shame me” even though body shaming them could lead to longer life if they listen and feel shame for their lazy slop existence….
We cannot let the media normalize fatties, if we go along with it, we are complicit, and we are the reason for the fatties.
We need to unite and protest the fatties….
Here are some babes who do fitness being hotter than babes who don’t…
Posted in:Workout