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Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

Tiny Tits are amazing, all tits are amazing, but Tiny Tits a pack a big punch, or can pack a big punch, even when they aren’t big, cuz they are tits…

What I mean by that is that girls may think having big tits makes the whole experience more thrilling for a man, but I’ll say that we get equally excited by being flashed any tit, the bigger the tits get doesn’t really directly correlate to the level of excitment…big tits doesn’t mean big excitement, all tits means big excitement, big tits that are nice may mean bigger but not proportionately bigger excitement…

If you’re a dude, you know what I mean…

Big tits are best used by fat girls to try to compete in a world where fat girls are seen as cross…the occasional unicorn big tit on a small frame happen…but if you were a conservative risk averse kind of motherfucker, the small tits will statistically be better…

I think it’s important for you to tell every small tit girl you see that small tits are great, they may get you arrested for sexual assault, but it’s the activism I think is important, to stop women from getting plastic injected into their tits, creating inflammation, mold and all kinds of other gross issues all for a big tit that is basically irrelevant, especially since you can just photoshop your tits like everyone else does….

This has been my weekly tribute to small tits…an ode to the itty bitty titty.

Posted in:TINY TITS