I'll Make You Famous…




VP Stepdaughter Bush of the Day

I try to avoid all things political because I have always felt like a meaningless, insignificant, bacteria on society that has no real input or control and not because of my low self esteem or feelings of inadequacies, but because I think even the people at the top are just puppets who don’t know they are puppets, working for big corporations who are more powerful than individual countries and their governments, it’s just a pile of corruption on corruption and we ain’t on the right side of the fucking table….

Obviously, this past year’s been hard to avoid politics because everything happening at hyperspeed validates all the insanity I’ve always assumed, but never really bothered paying attention to, because living my insular self absorbed life under the radar was possible….

Then COVID happened, the lies happened, the data didn’t match what we were told, then the race thing happened, the global warming thing happened, the lockdowns happened, the handouts happened, and I realized that they were trying to control us out in the open and it was working….I realized how people were so emotionally attached to a cause, so divided, that facts meant nothing to them….

I still try to avoid all things political, but when Kamala Harris’ adopted daughter, or stepdaughter, is out in St Tropez, when her parents were kissing with masks on in MAY, before the FAUCI emails told us that he knew masks NEVER worked, information the actors like Kamala were aware of, but felt it made for good imagery to divide the country…maskers, and evil insurrecting Trumpers who didn’t wear masks…how fucking dumb…

Meanwhile in typical hypocrite behavior, they can’t even manage to keep their lies in check, because they don’t have to….say it, it’s enough…

So seeing her feminist signed model stepdaughter, who is obviously not a signed model for her looks….rocking her armpit hair and bush…because like the masks, it was validation that she was a feminist….you know “Don’t shave, that’s what the patriarchy wants”…it’s so shallow, it’s meaningless, it’s almost a parody of feminism…but it’s happening.

She’s in St Tropez, the most luxurious place in the South of France, because COVID’s getting her down….

She’s got her arms up, so people know her politics, while we all know her politics, that I am sure are inconsistent and have plenty of holes in them, because these people aren’t consistent, they are liars, they pretend they care, but they only care about their narcissist self and any angle they can use to get themselves more high profile, or seemingly more deep….

The funny thing in all this is how she has her hands up…so you see her armpit hair…she planned this shit..

I remember I went out for Chinese food about 5 years ago next to a college and it was the middle of winter. Some gender studies major came in, pulled off her jacket, was in a tank top, only to put her hand up and behind her head like a drunk white trash dad watching the game in the recliner…you know big stretch….so all could see she didn’t shave like a fucking hero…

As someone who loves bush and thinks all girls should have bush, I think, it shouldn’t be a political protest to have a bush…

As someone who knows bush, I can see that this bitch shaves her pussy lips and the bush is just on the pelvic bone…landing strip wide enough to be seen…

So even her body hair is bullshit…

These people are fucking evil.


Posted in:Bush