I'll Make You Famous…




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Fitness is important and if you’re too fucking lazy to partake like basically 90 percent of people are obese fucks and the 10 percent who aren’t are still lazy, they just have better metabolisms, or gut flora that eats the fat, or are dying of AIDS….if people still die of AIDS…

Point being, fit or not, girls who do fitness are more athletic, have higher sex drives, have more stamina to fuck, and are fun to watch in their slutty fitness poses…

I guess working out makes girls horny, maybe all that motion, so maybe it’s worth joining the gym just to smell their wetness as they row, or do YOGA, or jog with their tight pants jacked up their vaginas…

I know that the only reason to go to the gym is for the pussy, or to stare at the pussy, which is why they make girl only gyms…but luckily there are still sluts out there who like being gawked by men, it gives them self esteem, makes them feel desirable, the CAT CALL is not a sexist thing, it’s a shout out you uptight fucks…and the cat call with dick in hand is just a friendly gesture of our saying “We appreciate you”…

Posted in:Workout