Fake titty Vanessa Hudgens has been mandated by her handlers, like you may be mandated by your government to get a vaccine, only her mandate is a little more interesting to the perverts out there, than the idea of personal freedoms being replaced with medical tyranny, because her mandate from her team is on the level of “PRODUCE SMUT TO COMPETE ON SOCIAL MEDIA”….because smut is that distraction that gets bitches views..
Her nipples are fucking in HEADLIGHT mode, looking like she’s rocking a set of bolt ons, because she proabably is, but if I say anything bad about her the propaganda from the Chinese Government will flag it ASIAN hate…because she’s Asian you know….about as Asian as she is white…but why run with that conversation…..
Anyway, these girls, even the high paid, are so good at making simple things like working out into a softcore porn scene….
It’s part of the agenda, make everything perverted and a Disney Trained puppet they have money invested into is the perfect vehicle for that…

Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens