I am not trying to be a COVID hub of misinformation, although being one of the 12 people the US government highlighted as being a hub of misinformation would be hilarious, maybe good for web traffic, maybe that’s the LEWINSKY story I need…..No one gets that reference, but apparently that site DRUDGE REPORT which I don’t go to ever, got their big viral break with the LEWINSKY story and in 18 years of doing this, I still haven’t had a LEWINSKY story moment, even though I’ve broke about 3-4 exclusives with my HARD hitting journalism over the decades….
People I see online seem to think that the delta varian is created by the unvaccinated, which doesn’t make the most sense to me, because it would seem that a vaccine during a pandemic would alter a virus more than unvaccinated people just catching a virus….but I am not a doctor, so fine….
So with that logic, people think vaccine passports are good because they unvaccinated won’t taint their existence, but even if that were true, and the unvaccinated were carted off to a Gas Chamber somewhere for not being into government control over health, body and basic rights, the vaccinated will still be dealing with COVID, since you can still get and pass covid around…..
The other thing I see online is the Delta variant thing, which they don’t test people for, because they don’t even have accurate enough tests for the FDA to approve, yet that’s what they are still using….unapproved, ineffective tests are determining our future…and they’ve decided to assume all positives with their unreliable tests are DELTA, when they need to do genome sequencing to determine whether it’s DELTA and no one’s doing that….
So as they use propaganda to make you think you are free or take your rights to make you safer, maybe they call themselves liberals, because liberal means liberated and free…..all while implementing weird tracking tools…which will keep getting more and more aggressive….we’re all here thinking they have our best interests so we can live our lives…
The people who pretend to care don’t care. The people running shit are fucking EVIL with a lot of blood on their hands historically…they are 80 years old with decades of blood on their hand…..
MEANING…this site is a joke…what I write are jokes…whether people realize it or not…and so is the apparent future…a terrible fucking joke…and as someone who’s written terrible jokes for 18 years…I can spot a bad joke when I see one….
Here are stepLINKS…in the morning, even if it’s not morning, I’m lazy.
Ariel Winter Tans her Booty
Dua Lipa and a Bunch of Girls in Bikinis
The Blonde Bomber’s Lingeire Weigh In
George Carlin’s Joke on Germs
Japan Adds Juggling to Relay Race
Guy Steals TV, Falls Out of Getaway Van
South Park Creators Ink Massive
Happy Dog – Glad Fauci Didn’t Kill Him I guess
Bearded Dragon Plays the Bongo Drum
Cam Sluts are the Best Sluts
Posted in:stepLINKS