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The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

Science may have been bastardized, at least according to a lot of people, while a bunch of idiots are just spewing the same garbage they get off the TV, without using any logic, critical thought or analysis, or even looking into themselves or their own lives, to decide what is best for them….they just do what they are told, and that’s fine….but other people have their own opinion and may want to do what is best for themeselves, I mean we are individuals with individual needs, I thought that was a whole foundation of inclusivity, we’re all different but we live in this world together and we need to tolerate and embrace each other, just not too much, or that will offend the woke police….”YOU ATE INDIAN FOOD – YOU CULTURAL APPROPRATOR”…

But yeah, the basics of science is that it is not absolute, and you have to keep putting the experiment to the test under different conditions, in efforts to really DEBUNK the conclusion…

So science has told us a waist to hip ratio is seen as more attractive to men and I’ve put that science to the test time and time again and it consistently rings true….

Sure, you can get a boner for boney or masculine looking bitches, you can get a boner for fat belly bitches and you will fuck them, but a hot wait to hip ratio is better.

Here are girls showing off their ratio like the heroes they are.

Posted in:The Ratio